Light Painting


Originally uploaded by silvergoldberry

Most of my art the last few years has been jewelry. But in the last few months I’ve been trying to get back to my roots. I’m very happy with the water color I did last fall and I’ve been finding myself enjoying taking pictures even more. In fact I would say a lot of my enjoyment of last month’s trip to Charleston was based on wandering the town and taking photos.

So on a last minute whim, I decided to attend a Light Painting/Ghosting workshop at Fortress of the Arts yesterday evening.

This was my first time shooting fine art nudes and I’ve been really interested in light painting since last summer when Cherie and Chris introduced me to the basic techniques. I was on my feet for 5 hours which has me a bit stiff today, but it was worth it.

We shot using rope lights, laser pointers, flashlights, christmas lights, mini closet lights and studio strobes. Of course now my imagination is just stoked for more. Night time city scapes, quirky portraiture, I’ve got lots of ideas, I just have to wait for it to get dark.

There’s more images on my Flickr, (click on the photo) but be aware- there’s nudity- NSFW.

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