It’s been a whirlwind semester as usual and because this was the last one, it was even more intense. My thesis exhibit, Journey By Water took place in the end of March. The rest of the semester was spent finalizing the rest of my graduation requirements. One of the things we’ve realized over my last twelve semesters of school is that when I’m in the midst of classes and projects, I’m not a lot of good for anything else.
David has been joking for months that after graduation he “gets his wife back” I really can’t argue. He also insisted that my transition from six years of school should be followed by a period of restfully doing nothing or as he refers to it “Sit on the couch for a month and eat bon-bons.”
Anyone who knows me knows that isn’t going to happen. So we took a short trip to Florida, part business for David to attend a conference, after classes ended but before graduation. We flew back the night before, and on Friday May 11, I graduated.
Less than two weeks later I was off to New Orleans for the annual conference of the Society of North American Goldsmiths. (SNAG) It was a great time for me to commune with other jewelry artists, look at work and talk about the field.
Now that I’m back, I’m digging into ramping up my jewelry business, creating a new brand with collections that are based on the work I developed in school. The business has been mostly dormant while I’ve been in school. I am also starting on some personal projects and teaching some workshops with the Mayfair Arts Initiative and the Tacony LAB. All this is happening in between another a project that is turning out to be a lot of fun- creating 13 Egyptian pectoral collars! But more on that in another post.