The quest for Butter Cake

Since I’ve been sick the last week and told not to be on a diet, I think today will be a butter cake day.

Butter cake is one of those things I grew up with. It wasn’t until I was living in Florida for a couple of years that I realized it’s one of those regional specialties. My next trip back to Philadelphia, I made sure to get one to fill my craving.

Since moving back home, I’m realizing there are vast differences in the recipe from bakery to bakery. And yes, we still have plenty of those little neighborhood bakeries and they all have butter cake. And if they have it, I want to try it.

What is it? I hear you ask.

It’s a thin cakey crust about half inch thick, covered with a gooey layer of buttery ooze that is slightly crusty on top.

In the last few months, I’ve been doing some independent research on the different butter cakes in the area. Some are gooier than others, some seemed too sugary or the hint of too much vanilla. Personal preference will make a difference in your butter cake choice.

On the list today. Either stop at Holmesburg or  Rillings bakery.

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